Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lead India - 2 minutes of patriotism

The first time i saw this video on TV about a month back i was petrified, stupefied and dumbfounded by its sheer power. This isnt an ordinary ad for some campaign... the people who made this really mean something. This video doesnt just pass the message of patriotism but hammers the nail of conscience into every Indian's heart who watches this. This is a kick in the crotch of those who cry about the corrupt system, we forget that we ARE the system. Face the fact that to change the system we need to change ourselves and change the way we think. Nobody is gonna clean our clogged drain, we have to do it ourselves.

The stage would ve been different if we had corrected ourselves way back in the beginning. Some good old dudes shed their blood and gave us freedom thinking that we would carry the flag forward... but that didnt happen. If things had gone right from day one since independence Americans would ve queued up in front of Indian Embassy to get their Indian Work Permit Visas and not the other way round. Well things arent that bad now. We are in better times and if the youth think like the lil kid in that video there is no limit to where this nation can reach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Good one! I think the most mature one so far! :) - Somz.